Are you interested in volunteering? Become a Dividend!
You can join our parents and community members and volunteer in classrooms, help teachers prepare materials, organize special events, or chaperone field trips.
Classroom volunteers work directly under the supervision of a staff person. Volunteers can help all ages in many areas of the curriculum, including reading, math, science, social studies, art, physical education, special education, media center, music, and other specialties.
Lake Orienta's Dividend program is coordinated through the Seminole County Dividend School Volunteer Program. Just complete the on-line registration form, and be approved to serve as a Dividend!
You must apply to be a Dividend EACH school year. Serving as a Dividend is a volunteer activity. In order to properly screen Dividends for a discretionary activity an applicant must provide his/her social security number. Applicants who decline to furnish a social security number, may not serve as a school volunteer.
Visit the Dividends Volunteer Program website for more information.